Tech IndustryApr 30, 2019

Pivotal panel interview

Have others been interviewed at Pivotal for PM? Their panel interview, with one person acting as product owner, is... different from what I'm used to. Any impressions from others? They passed on me, and the external recruiter shared their feedback with me (not sure they were supposed to have done that). The feedback left me scratching my head. Anyway, unique interview, unique experience.

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Yelp hibyeee Apr 30, 2019

their interview process is 9 fucking hours. completely unnecessary and they don’t pay very well. they control every aspect of your time when you work there.

Expedia IMAlilTpot OP May 1, 2019

Yeh, I wasn't interviewing *for* Pivotal, but since I was applying to be an FTE with one of their clients, the client had Pivotal interview me.

Veritas @sgt May 6, 2019

What's the pay? Which location?

Pivotal AllDaSmoke Jul 11, 2019

What was the feedback you got? Interested in switching orgs and I'm curious about what they look for