Tech IndustryJan 26, 2020

Product Management skills

What are the most relevant PM skills and is there a course or book out there similar to “Grokking the SD” but for PM interviews? #productmanagement

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Indeed sJU1DGd6 Jan 26, 2020

Cracking the PM interview

SAP SAPsGreat OP Jan 26, 2020

I’ve seen the author beat the drum on this for years. Is this book really such an epiphany?

Indeed sJU1DGd6 Jan 26, 2020

Idk it depends on where you are in your PM interview experience whether or not you’re gonna find it to be an epiphany. It’s a solid text, IMO. Your local library probably has it, it’s worth flipping thru.

FpXa81 Jan 26, 2020

Balance getting along with people and having your own vision. But that’s probably true of most roles

SAP SAPsGreat OP Jan 26, 2020

But still amazing advice.

PayPal cantstop12 Jan 26, 2020

Bullshitting, assuming all engineering work is easy, powerpoint, scheduling way too many people for meetings, getting engineers to do your job. These are the skills you need to master.

SAP SAPsGreat OP Jan 26, 2020

Sorry for you, pal.

Microsoft rojago Jan 26, 2020

Frustrated engineer spotted!!

Microsoft Continuum Jan 26, 2020

The essence of the PM role is to Get the right things done. In my experience, it boils down to a few core skills. 1. Truly understanding customer needs whether explicitly articulated or not. 2. Ability to create a product vision, and measure product success. 3. Business acumen to connect the product vision with the organization’s business success. 4. Top notch communication with different levels and background of stakeholders. 5. Great collaboration skills, ability to align teams towards common objectives, even when there seems to be no alignment. 6. Impact through influence. 7. Enough technical chops to understand engineering cost, feasibility, architecture. 8. Truly embodying the organization’s culture, and leading the team by example.

Microsoft rojago Jan 26, 2020

Great feedback. Also adopt a data-driven approach. Many a times PMs will fly blind and make assumptions. Data to support your decisions and data to quantify the results (metrics).

Micro Focus GWOz11 Jan 26, 2020

Navigating the political landscape.