Tech IndustryDec 4, 2019

Quora Onsite - Java Practical?

Got a onsite for quora and a section titled “Java Practical” is on the agenda. Anyone know higher level what to expect (besides Java..)? Python has been my primary recently, although i know Java and got a cert in 8. Plan to brush up on it i guess but not entirely sure if it will be on newish features ie. lambdas, streams, all that good stuff. Or more basic java coding question TC: 170

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UWorld eyiK84 Dec 4, 2019

I heard about this long back. They give you access to a small codebase and ask you to debug for an issue. This is just a second hand information and not sure if its true.

FLYR hQJf32 OP Dec 4, 2019

Cool thanks, that seems way chiller than I thought. Hopefully that’s the case

Quora Qu0ra Dec 11, 2019

This is correct. If you’re more comfortable in Python, ask your Recruiter for a Python practical instead. Your Recruiter should also share prep materials. Ask if they haven’t shared yet