Tech IndustryJan 30, 2019

Recruiter email amount slowing?

I haven’t been at eBay for a while but I’ve noticed that the recruiter emails that used to be in the 2 to 3 a week range has fallen off in the last couple months. I’m also not a SWE. Has anyone else had the same experience?

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McAfee JohnMcPee Jan 30, 2019

Nope. Has actually ramped up after the new year to be honest. November/December was a bit slow probably due to the holidays.

Google SexyVirgin Jan 30, 2019

Have been wondering the same. Number of recruiter emails have dropped for me since the end of last year. Not sure if it was a result of me joining Google. I was working for a bottom tier company, and recruiters probably knew I'd have been better off pretty much anywhere.

eBay buyitmeow OP Jan 30, 2019

I wonder if your linked in shows you have only been somewhere for a few months fends off recruiters? Maybe people who have been somewhere for 2+ years are easier to poach?

Google SexyVirgin Jan 30, 2019

Nah. I was there for 1.5 years, and I had been getting emails since day 0 at that place. Actually, I might have just found the reason. I updated my status on LinkedIn to not actively looking.

Ness Technologies __|__ Jan 30, 2019

The recruiters will get a notification when your resume or online job profile has a new update. They will reach out when that happens based on my exp