Referring someone

Providing job referral for someone in my network is not a problem, of course. But there are situations when the one requesting for referral - despite being very close personally and meeting "job qualifications" on paper - had shown behavioral/personality traits (e.g., work ethics, constant complaining, prone to job hopping, inflated work ego) that would be hard to recommend. How would you go about in such situation where you're close with the person but their professional trait makes you concerned about your own reputation on the line by giving referral?

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Alvarez & Marsal user178 Feb 16, 2020

Below is what I would do / have done when in that situation. First, tell them that you don't think the company would be a good fit for them. Talk about something subjective (culture) and let them know they would be happier elsewhere. You can also tell them the company isn't looking for new people at their level since things are slow, but you will let them know when it picks back up. If they still don't get the hint and you're not comfortable saying something tell them that you will pass along their resume and then don't actually send it. I would be careful putting your reputation on the line for someone that you don't think will be a good fit (especially if its in your group or at a small company). In the long-run it doesn't help anyone (the person you refer, the company, or yourself) if the person joins based on your rec. and fails fast.

Hyundai Capital America chc506 OP Feb 19, 2020

Thanks for the tip. Definitely want to be mindful of my reputation at work, especially since the company provides referral bonus.

McKinsey mck_cat Feb 18, 2020

Oh, I would definitely say that you shouldn't give a referral for someone that you don't feel comfortable having your name on the line for. Companies take referrals pretty seriously and understand that the referrals that people give/get seriously as well. I usually say that I'll do the referral and then don't do anything with their resume... I consider it a white lie that I think is worth it. Additionally, I usually help provide resume tips and other helpful pointers to be helpful nonetheless :)

Hyundai Capital America chc506 OP Feb 19, 2020

Yes, I just feel bad not helping out someone, especially a personal friend, but you just know there are some people whom you may not know that well personally but have confidence in recommending professionally, while there are others whom you are very close with but hesitant on putting your name behind them professionally.