Tech IndustryOct 2, 2019

Relocating to DC

Engineer at Chicago startup, relocating to DC. Looking to find new startups or young companies to work with, but only seeing a lot of Government and consulting job listings. Anyone have a good place to start?

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judgejudE Oct 2, 2019

Don't do it. If you must just check angellist

Walmart zayen Oct 2, 2019

Can you please talk more to why this is a bad idea?

judgejudE Oct 2, 2019

I just feel like the salaries and opportunities vs COL is some of the worst in the country.

Google m_p_c Oct 2, 2019

Aaaaaand you've discovered why so many engineers leave DC

Google __human__ Oct 2, 2019

Just about everyone smart I knew there in college left. It's not a good town for the smart or ambitious, but for the lazy and nihilistic. It's just a tech environment that's been ruined by being steeped so aggressively in the disgusting nihilistic broth of government BS. It's slow and encumbered by a talent pool that's deep in out of date skills and full of people who have had their souls crushed by bureaucrats who read Kafka's The Trial and thought it was a model for how the world should function. It doesn't help that it genuinely is easy to make a lot of money collecting stupid trivial contracts from the government, so that's what everyone is oriented towards. Think about it, was a shitty broken webapp that the government paid $1B for. And then the few times I talked to someone who was doing something interesting, it was generally a DoD contract with horrible societal implications. I wouldn't go.

judgejudE Oct 2, 2019

Lol Savage and mostly true. I will say, if you want to try low risk entrepreneurship, starting a small contracting shop can be a decent route to a quick 7 figure buy out.