Tech IndustryMay 30, 2019
NewWizard 🧙🏼‍♂️

SRE to Senior Devops?

I’ve been a devops engineer for years however I recently switched to an SRE role about 4 months ago. I’ve decided to switch because I’m acting more as a system admin than an SRE. My current TC is $100k but if I take the senior role at this other company my TC would be about $150k. I’m only 21 and I’m worried that it might be a mistake for my career path. What are your thoughts? I’ve passed the technicals already. YoE : 7 years (since 15 been full time) East coast (Boston)

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Chase yst May 30, 2019

What is ToC?

Wizard 🧙🏼‍♂️ OP May 30, 2019

It’s in the post.

Chase yst May 30, 2019

As in what does ToC stand for? Total Compensation = TC, where does the o come from