CompensationMay 25, 2018

Salary calculator by company + level

Started working on a simple tool to see what a company + level gives you for TC on average. Check it out - Right now it only has a few companies and I’m wondering if I should continue making it. Its a different format with the same information from the Levels(dot)fyi main site. Would this be helpful? Would love feedback - Calculate how much you'll make - Calculate how much you'll make
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Microsoft Lotl May 25, 2018

Great concept but the numbers don’t foot.

intbool OP May 25, 2018

What’s off? Can you send us an email with your understanding of the ranges at

Microsoft Lotl May 25, 2018

Just the base + bonus + stock doesn’t add up to the TC.

WepL64 May 25, 2018

I don’t believe ict4 at apple will make $170k stock /yr

PayPal Djhd4673 May 25, 2018

Apple ict3 bonus > ict4 bonus. Where did u get these numbers?

intbool OP May 25, 2018

Crowdsourced, I’ve heard bonus may not increase for apple, but the stock increases dramatically by level

Salesforce hdhdgydshs May 25, 2018

kudos!! has helped me tremendously

Amazon Fbdoehdh May 25, 2018

Also you don’t have the amazon comp breakdown right.

intbool OP May 25, 2018

Can you send us an email at with your understanding of the levels

Oracle bmhz30 May 25, 2018

Wow.. Numbers are way too off. You should actually get some real data

intbool OP May 25, 2018

Which companies are specifically off?

intbool OP May 25, 2018

Just fixed a bug that was inflating the values, try now?

Expedia Nfyct626 May 25, 2018

You can't just post your product, have everyone say everything is wrong and then ask "what's wrong???" It's everything. Everything's wrong. It's clearly not working yet.

Amazon ibeji May 25, 2018


Twitter FANGT May 25, 2018

You work for triplebyte?

intbool OP May 25, 2018

No, we’re actually independent from them

Twitter FANGT May 25, 2018

ah they just sponsor u. So u r the creator of

Splunk m781h May 25, 2018

These seem to be the upper limit for the levels. Maybe there should be a low , median and upper limit

Salesforce pFQT11 May 25, 2018

It'd be great if there was a chart like Paysa for different percentile

Two Sigma all day May 25, 2018

L67 at Microsoft makes under 300k?

Microsoft Lotl May 25, 2018

And 64 makes > 300k?

Amazon Fbdoehdh May 25, 2018

Not a good first attempt at this tool.