Salesforce raises

Does everyone get some sort of raise around this time at SFDC? What about new hires that haven't been with the company for a full year?

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Salesforce Q(‘_’Q Feb 6, 2020

Yes we get raises and bonus, if you havent been here a year its prorated

Lockheed Martin blindswe OP Feb 6, 2020

The raises are prorated as well? I started back in August.

Salesforce Q(‘_’Q Feb 6, 2020

I cant speak for the raises, not sure about that one. Kokua bonus is though

Salesforce PxpN70 Feb 6, 2020

For security each team is allocated a percentage per person that has been at SF before 1/1/2020. That is usually 4%, then it is up to the manager of their people how they want to slit that out. It sucks. So if I have an amazing team... Everyone should get 4.. but if someone is amazing and one other person is ok... I can give the one person 5% but I have to take that out of that other OK person a d they get 3%

Lockheed Martin blindswe OP Feb 6, 2020

Thanks for the insight