Misc.Jan 31, 2018

Samsung passes Intel in semiconductor business

https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/samsung-passes-intel-semiconductor-business-but-mobile-revenues-slip?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTURrd09HSmlZVFExWm1ZeCIsInQiOiI3RVp3Tk0wdkJNd0Jzd1wvTWlwclFIdmt3cVFJQ01LMTN0cU81eDBCSjVmVXQyekE3WkhaRVpCNmVGYjUxR2FqYzNGXC9FN1lQZ1JjNGF3ekx2KzExVVR3anpkbUtnWHN1ZkJOYjNpNzVMNmU0NTI0RWtNN0tiUkZQUUp5aUFrYnhLIn0%3D&mrkid=35796892 Samsung is now the world’s largest semiconductor company: Samsung passed Intel during the period, which represents the first time Intel has lost the leading position in the semiconductor market since 1992.

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AT&T DDM2K Jan 31, 2018

Who did they overtake in 1992, Motorola?

Intel x86dude Feb 1, 2018

We are all crying in the office right now

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T-Mobile 6dhwl3 OP Feb 2, 2018

It is amazing. Especially when your company is #1 at being obnoxiously loud and an amazing culture.

AT&T DDM2K Feb 2, 2018

There can be huge difference between being an industry leader and being an amazing company to work for.

Intel 69wombat Feb 4, 2018

I know a lot of people in Austin that work for Samsung and it’s not a pretty story. I’m happy with Intel.

Intel sillycon Feb 4, 2018

Do share