Charles River Laboratories pattywack

Seattle relocation, looking for biotech referrals and/or information.

Looking to move to Seattle for better opportunities. 7+years of project management and 4 years analyst experience. Looking for information or referrals. Thanks in advance! Tc 60000

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Thermo Fisher VYrB60 Jan 8, 2020

Good luck! You're where I was 1.5 years ago. I wish I had a referral, but I've been a remote employee and the company I am leaving on Friday doesn't have a huge presence here. New company is neither in biotech nor Seattle. The jobs are out there, but there are also more people competing for them.

Charles River Laboratories pattywack OP Jan 8, 2020

Yea thank you! How did you like the remote work?

Thermo Fisher VYrB60 Jan 8, 2020

It has been awesome, in and of itself. Definitely nice not to commute in Seattle. That said, I'm not sure it is so great from a career progression standpoint. I'm leaving Seattle, and I will miss the area, but it is not cheap out here and the traffic can be brutal!

Illumina YQdB03 Jan 8, 2020

Come to San Diego! :)

Charles River Laboratories pattywack OP Jan 10, 2020

Man what a pipe dream. Although the California taxes aren't too kind to business owners. I've got two small businesses and I'm not sure they would survive

Eli Lilly smokeyturk Jan 11, 2020

San diego is too expensive. Seattle is where it's at

BYTON makaveli7 Jan 9, 2020

K ink

Freenome techrecemj Jan 9, 2020

I sent a LinkedIn connection request to help if you’re interested 🤗

Charles River Laboratories pattywack OP Jan 10, 2020

I haven't seen it come through. Please send again!