Tech IndustryOct 26, 2018

Sending thank you note after interview via LinkedIn

What are your thoughts on sending your interviewers a thank you note via LinkedIn (especially if the recruiter is out of the office)? I normally try to reach back out to the interviewers before 24 hours has passed.

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Splunk meert Oct 26, 2018

Add a poll to get more opinions . Its not necessary , as a interviewer I dont like it Add another option with no thank you note.

Citrix Systems FywB51 OP Oct 26, 2018

Too late šŸ˜…. Thanks for the insight though

Cisco Thanos Oct 26, 2018

Depends on the interviewer. Some appreciate and respond back while some donā€™t. Iā€™ve sent in the past and itā€™s never hurt me... just my opinion though :)

Citrix Systems FywB51 OP Oct 26, 2018

Yeah...I've seen some people saying you could just reach out via LinkedIn and not necessarily request to add them as a connection, but send them a thank you note.

Intel Blasterask Oct 26, 2018

I always send a thank you the day after the interview to the recruiter

Citrix Systems FywB51 OP Oct 26, 2018

And you would just wait until the recruiter gets back from PTO to forward the thank you notes to the interviewers?

Intel Blasterask Oct 26, 2018

Their email should forward to whoever is covering

Intel 6gj57 Oct 26, 2018

Why does one need to thank the interviewer? This seems very unnecessary

AussieSWE Oct 26, 2018

Keeps you in the light and shows you have tact and manners.

Dell \šŸ˜ÆšŸŽˆ Oct 26, 2018

Only in tech where common courtesy is dead. No wonder there are too many assholes here. The rest of the world appreciates common courtesy and manner.

Splunk meert Oct 26, 2018

Doing something for the sake of it is pretentious. Neither parties owe anything to each other. Its business, dont take it personally and judge people

Dell \šŸ˜ÆšŸŽˆ Oct 26, 2018

Do you hold the door for people right behind you? What about covering your mouth while sneezing or coughing? You don't owe anyone around you anything, so why do it? You're doing it to be polite. Similarly for interviews, you are sending a note to be polite. You took a part of your day to interview me and I want to acknowledge your time for it.

Facebook pektok Oct 26, 2018


Facebook pektok Oct 26, 2018

(Source: interview a ton of people and would be weirded out if one of them pinged me)

PayPal Yadayada! Oct 26, 2018

My personal experience is it doesnā€™t matter. But if u want to u can do it either ways. I personally prefer LinkedIn as itā€™s quick

Turo kPHL74 Oct 26, 2018

Chessy and desperate.

Uber YakVgh Oct 26, 2018

You said thank you when interview ends. Thatā€™s enough and no need of second thank you.

Igneous Systems bowap Oct 26, 2018

I think its weird to contact them on LinkedIn, I think it's ok to send something to your recruiter