
Setting work life balance expectations

I'm a new grad joining Two Sigma. This will be my first full-time job (I've done internships before). Does anyone have any advice for setting work life balance expectations at trading firms/hedge funds? I don't want to fall into the trap of working 60 hour weeks like I did during some of my internships.

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jSdO71 Jul 30, 2019

Unfortunately, as a new grad with no experience, you are viewed almost everywhere as meat that can be pulverized from a work life balance perspective. The ability to negotiate work life balance stems from leverage, and leverage usually comes from a killer resume, published research, contacts, etc. So yeah, unless your dad is sitting on a hundred mil and willing to lend you his leverage, you are pretty much fucked unless you luck out and get a manager that respects people. Good news is two sigma has some clout to the brand, and so after a few years you will be one step closer to being able to negotiate “I work remote only”

codecareer OP Jul 30, 2019

Dam really? But when it comes to coming in and leaving for work, should i be aim to come in before and leave after my manager?

E*Trade cbEV72 Jul 30, 2019

Isn’t it only reasonable? Your boss may need to ask you and you’re not around. Not cool

Two Sigma mgre Jul 30, 2019

Set an alarm to leave at 6 every day, very easy. Above reply doesn't really apply when you can easily move between fang companies...

jSdO71 Jul 30, 2019

You can’t leave until you have at least two years at your first job, no matter who it’s for. Bad (most) managers know this and milk it.

ING Group UBwD66 Jul 30, 2019

OP should expect to be there before your boss and leave afterwards

jSdO71 Jul 30, 2019

Your boss setting your work schedule on an arbitrary, daily basis is the exact opposite of work life balance and is a sure way to make sure your life becomes completely work-centric

Two Sigma NQwd27 Jul 30, 2019

YMMV but in my experience it's pretty unlikely that you'll have 60 hour work weeks even as a new grad. Its more like 40-45.

Two Sigma blarh Jul 30, 2019

Most teams, esp the less business side ones, work very reasonable work hours with 45 being an upper bound. Speaking from experience as a recent new grad

codecareer OP Jul 30, 2019

Which teams are you guys on and what's the WLB? I've heard during interviews people do about 9-6 but not sure if that's true.

Chase DaimeJimon Jul 30, 2019


KPMG None! Jul 30, 2019

More than us

Bloomberg bbg86 Jul 30, 2019


Facebook Цукерберг Jul 30, 2019

You have to pay your dues, there's no way around it. So be prepared to suck it up for the first few years. Chances are, it won't be as bad as you think. Shit happens though, so be prepared and take it stoically.

PayPal otshh Jul 30, 2019

This. If you have to ask, then you have no leverage for managing work/life balance expectations. Demonstrate your worth, then you can talk.