
Shorting Snapchat stock for longterm

I am thinking about shorting Snapchat for long term. I have been having this thought ever since instagram started story features. I see most of my friends and family abandon Snap longtime ago and don’t how Snapchat compete with Facebook. Any thoughts or opinions on company’s outlook or stock performance.

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Comcast _😱😱😱😱 May 17, 2019

“Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent”

Bazzingaa May 17, 2019

Snapchat is dead. They refused to sell to Fb a few years ago. Now Fb will kill them. Snapchat’s inexperienced CEO contributes to the recipe. I would short the hell out of it if i could, but i only play long positions

Google El Dap May 17, 2019

How long term are you thinking? Shorting over long time horizon is not recommended. If your thesis holds true and they get acquired by someone else for scraps, you might see uncapped losses overnight. Buy put ladders instead.

Pandora Fscndw OP May 17, 2019

Thats a good point. Im thinking an year

Google GCPCE May 17, 2019

Plus one on long puts rather than shorting

Snapchat snap May 17, 2019


TriNet yOXI71 May 17, 2019

Just remember the loss % in shorting is infinite. Make sure you have a stop order in place.

Snapchat snapper1 May 22, 2019

Please update us to let us know how it turns out!!

Google Memegeme Jul 24, 2019

I hope none of y’all shorted...

Snapchat snapchella Jul 24, 2019

Remember he said "for the long term"