CompensationJan 24, 2018

Should you leave a company if it doesn’t give annual bonus or refreshers?

Given that Facebook and Google do so and I have offers from them, is it safe to assume I am being lowballed from a company without these compensation streams?

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Uber GMie27 Jan 24, 2018

Airbnb doesn’t?

Yelp bitter Jan 24, 2018

How about you compare total compensation? Is that so hard?

Airbnb bearbnb Jan 24, 2018

if you’re not happy abt your comp, I don’t see a reason for you to stay. there are other companies with interesting problems for you to work on.

Google TAP failed Jan 24, 2018

Also, how should rsus be weighted? It's probably not 1:1 since Google is public and Airbnb isn't right?

Google s89 Jan 24, 2018

Google did not give refreshers for googlers who joined in 2017. So dont assume all the companies do. If you are not happy with TC, simple solution would be move on

Yelp bitter Jan 24, 2018

Why would they give refreshers to people who have been for less that a year?

Facebook Engimineer Jan 24, 2018

Facebook does pro-rated refreshers

Airbnb NewAirFam Jan 24, 2018

Airbnb gives refreshers not bonus. If you are not happy with comp, move on. Compare your total comp.