Tech IndustryApr 18, 2019

Solutions Architect/DevOps/IT versus Software Engineer salaries

From what I gather on Blind it looks like these IT roles are paying just as much in FAANG with lower entry standards... do you agree? Why or why not?

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tmqe65 Apr 18, 2019

It all blurs together. It and devops will be significantly lower most of the time though. If you mean it contracting the rate is higher because of the unsteady work.

Flowspace lWSB40 Dec 27, 2022

This is a fallacy. DevOps pays the same as developer pay in all top companies (even more at Google due to on calls), except for places like Amazon, because they follow the "you build it you run it" model, where the developers handle ops as well. Outside of top tier companies, DevOps pays way more than development.