Women in TechOct 25, 2019

Someone else taking credit?

I have a male colleague who is a new joinee, a much senior guy. I have noticed in several ocassions, I make an idea proposal in meetings, but he sends out emails saying how it's his idea and everyone is appreciating the new guy! It's so frustrating, I don't know how to approach this! This isn't a necessarily a gender issue, but I just thought I would start off here.

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podmjolnir Oct 25, 2019

Reply to his email to thank him for agreeing to your idea during the meeting

Amazon sQDO67 Oct 25, 2019

+1 You can email him individually and say you’re glad he likes your idea but next time you’d appreciate credit. If it happens again, do it publicly by replying to the thread. He may not realize he’s doing it. Not your job to teach him but approach it anyway. Let your managers or peers know if it gets worse that you appreciate any help in getting credit too.

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 25, 2019

How is this going to make me look?

Salesforce p.q Oct 25, 2019

Don't pitch your idea prematurely.

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 25, 2019

No it wasn't. It was a meeting targetted at finding a solution and I had a well thought through idea. I drew it on a whiteboard and agreed but the team

Intuit MHIX47 Oct 25, 2019

If you had some good ideas in a meeting, send a follow up note with your idea - an email is fine, something like on a Google doc is even better (because it gets shared,as is, preserving the chain of original) the. It serves two purposes - correct a genuine mistake and gives you an opportunity to flesh the idea our better (which is the place most "origination" debate occurs)

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 25, 2019

Good learning

Intuit MHIX47 Oct 25, 2019

*genuine lapse in your colleague's part, I mean

Amazon Imex45 Oct 25, 2019

Don't blurt a potentially great idea just like that in a forum. If you think it's good, etch out the specifics and send a formal note just like how the so called copycat does

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 25, 2019

No it wasn't a general forum. It was specifically targetted to address an issue and I had through through a solution. More a whiteboard idea and it was agreed that my idea will start to be worked on.

Amazon Imex45 Oct 25, 2019

Then I couldn't see how this guy can take credit for that. If it was my team he would have been called out by others for this

Wayfair hitman047 Oct 25, 2019

This has happened to me. Just send that email before he does. It doesn't have to be perfectly worded.

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 25, 2019

He already did, this is my reaction AFTER seeing his email

Facebook public2 Oct 25, 2019

Learn from him and send the email first.

Cadence pretzle OP Oct 25, 2019

Yup. Lesson learnt

Facebook public2 Oct 25, 2019

Ideas are also a dime a dozen, execution is what will set you apart.

Facebook mJKe77 Nov 27, 2019

When you have another great idea, in the lead up to the meeting send out email to everyone attending with the outline of what you are proposing and say that you with flesh it out during the meeting. Of course the gamble is people might not like the idea...but at least if it's a home run, he can't claim it as his...

Apple drunknMule Feb 27, 2021

I am stuck in a similar issue. We debug a prod issue, I found the root cause 100% but the lead dev takes up full credit. I don't know how to handle this. We have different managers, I am from prod support. This has happened twice now, he not only creates a buggy product to 'go live' but also takes my credit to identify the root cause of it. Any help is much appreciated, I want to handle this in an assertive manner.