Tech IndustryJan 1, 2019

Started 2019 with a leetcode hard

Segment trees are overrated. It’s gonna be a good year.

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Autodesk senator Jan 1, 2019

I’m over here struggling with leetcode medium problems. Well done mate keep up the good work.

Bank of America BRjH71 Jan 1, 2019

Sometimes I struggle with lc easy

Autodesk senator Jan 1, 2019

Well it just means you are learning something new and nothing else. We can’t get to great without going through alright first. s2a7 Jan 1, 2019

In the same boat as you OP. Try Fenwick trees; easier to code and it can be used for many segment tree use cases.

Robert Half DJIK65 Jan 1, 2019

one day I came back home from work around 8:00pm and decided to implement segment tree. had prior knowledge of how it works, recursion etc. took me couple hours to code build tree, update and add operation. I agree, segment trees are overrated.

Autodesk senator Jan 1, 2019

Overrated as in too difficult to implement or too easy just time consuming? I’m a little confused as to your meaning, the beginning of your statement and the end seem to illustrate opposing points.

Robert Half DJIK65 Jan 1, 2019

it takes a bit of ur mind to understand how recursion is applied. once u get it, u should be able to code it. I think geeksforgeeks also has non recursion solution, that was hard to understand.