Startup compensation for biz ops, strategic finance, etc.

What do startup salary + equtiy ranges look like for manager / senior manager business roles such as operations, biz ops, strategic finance, corporate finance, etc? Currently have 6 yoe with fully liquid TC $200k. Have spoken with a few large startups (meaning illiquid equity) and getting TC ranges below my current pay. One big startup gave a range: cash of $140k-ish with equity sub $100k, so annualized TC of $170k-ish with illiquid equity. Would’ve expected the equity, especially given the startups are large and growing quickly, to bridge that gap. Any thoughts? Am I talking to the wrong companies? Based in LA, to the extent it helps. Thanks!

Alvarez & Marsal user178 Jul 3, 2020

Varies a fair bit based on how well funded they are and your skill set / background. Any companies in mind?

Disney FVofTC Jul 5, 2020

OP, the range you are seeing is expected for the roles you want. Might be able to get more on equity but don't expect TCs north of what you are currently making.

Collective Health FNLe18 Jul 7, 2020

This is the expected cash range and aligns with anything I’ve seen. Options at startups are going to look much lower on paper vs what I assume you are getting in public stock grants now. The idea is that the equity has huge upside and you are getting it cheaply.

bizzy2020 Jul 7, 2020

Dm me the LA startup. I’ll have some perspective on the range here for startups if you’d like.