Misc.Oct 17, 2017

Stock transfer to Robinhood

Robinhood has this new feature to transfer stocks from other brokerage. And they'll cover any fees charged by your old brokerage. Any one tried this from E-TRADE to Robinhood? Would like to hear your experience.

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Ponderosa Advisors SageJunkie Oct 17, 2017

I hear they steal only from the rich πŸ˜…

Gen!x XPbr65 Oct 19, 2017

Unconfirmed reports has it that they give to the poor also

Microsoft 20% raise Oct 17, 2017

I wouldn't. Their margin account is very lacking. They're good for testing your strategies / stock picking ability as you can invest in single shares. They aren't good for amounts of money over >$2500ish

Fitbit mahalo2 Oct 17, 2017

Can you elaborate please ?

Microsoft 20% raise Oct 17, 2017

They offer up to $2000 in credit for margin accounts.