Tech IndustryAug 24, 2019

System design interviews for non-webapp related roles?

Long time reader, first time poster. If I were interviewing for a role that has nothing to do with web apps, is it still likely I would get a system design question during interviews? Say I was going for a compiler team position at Facebook, or iOS frameworks at Apple, or some on-device software for the Kindle at Amazon. Designing large scale distributed web/data applications is pretty irrelevant to those roles, and my experience, so I want to know if I'd need to study up on those topics. Thanks! TC: 200k YoE: 9

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Scotiabank VsMj85 Jul 13, 2020

Any luck ? I'm in a similar position. What kind of system design questions did you study ?

Intel garimagu Oct 1, 2020

I’m in the same position myself. Any updates on the interviews?