CompensationJan 10, 2019

Tax on capital gain on the RSU

( hypothetic question to understand the tax implication of RSUs ) Suppose I receive 20 RSU in Jan with a price of $100. After taxing, I receive 12 RSU. Then I hold on to them after one year then sell them. The price then would be $120. Do I pay tax on the capital gain of the 12 RSU ( which is $20 x 12) or on the whole 20 RSUs? Thx

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Square Yeêp Jan 10, 2019

Capital gains on $20 for each

Facebook aKHq74 OP Jan 10, 2019

For each of the 12 or each of the 20? ( technically since I have to return 8 to cover my tax at the vesting, I would not be owning the whole 20).

Facebook >> Jan 10, 2019

Each of the 12

Fitbit Wished Jan 10, 2019

U pay income tax for the 20 RSU at $100. U then pay long term capital gains tax for the $20 x 12 gain

Homeaway ppMg64 Jan 10, 2019

You were awarded 20 RSUs. Let’s say they vest and you get 15 RSUs after paying for tax by selling the 5 stocks. At the time of vesting, the stock price was 100 bucks. So far you don’t owe any tax. Now you decide to sell these 15 stocks. The price at the time of selling is 120 bucks. The capital gains here is 15 * 20 bucks since you already paid taxes by selling 5 stock when they vested. So you need to pay tax on 300 bucks which is over and above the tax you have already paid. If you decide to sell your stocks within an year of vesting, it’s considered short term gains and are taxed at 30%. Which will be 300 * .3 or 90 bucks. If you sold these stocks after an year of vesting, these are considered as long term gains so you would be taxed at 15% or 300 * .15 or 45 bucks.

Homeaway ppMg64 Jan 10, 2019

What is wrong here? Your base rate is 100 bucks at time of vesting, you already paid tax by selling stock on the base rate. The stock appreciated to 120, you cap gains will only be 20 bucks. If it will be on 120, you are being taxed twice.

Uber hotboi Jan 11, 2019

048jfo you are incorrect regarding short term capital gain taxes. Get your shit together

NEXON M Rootini Jan 10, 2019

You only pay tax on the gains from the new basis established when you receive those 12 RSU. Meaning you’re only taxed on: 12 RSU * $20 price appreciation * cap gains rate

LinkedIn faxman Jan 10, 2019

Capital gains on 12 RSUs only, which is whatever you are left with after taxes at vesting time.

Google eXNB63 Jan 10, 2019

After 1 year, fb will probably be 50 😂

Expedia InTheDNA Jan 10, 2019

RSU awards are again source of income. So you pay tax when RSUs get vested. Usually, tax is deducted at source. Then, when you sell them, you pay tax on capital gains. And this tax will be on the actual profit you make by selling the RSUs. Country may have different rules on long term capital gains though. Say, you are sellling after holding for n years

DvVM00 Jan 11, 2019

12 obviously. however this is an idiot question. never hold RSUs. you paid the tax, sell them all. if you really want to own the stock, buy it again using your brokerage account.

Facebook Copacabana Jan 11, 2019

What would that accomplish?

Microsoft SunRsrsHyd Jan 11, 2019

That’s why it is better to sell RSUs as they vest