Tech IndustryJul 15, 2019

Tough decision - FB

I am currently working in a good position (as a planner, non swe) with good flexibility and wlb in Seattle. Also have a good standing in my organization. I recently got a call from Facebook to interview and cleared it. After a couple of back n forth on compensation, I am Ok with what they offered. Base comp. 30% more than current and FB level equity and sign on. However, position is out of Menlo Park or Denver whichever I choose. I would leave my good job in Seattle, wife will have to hunt for a job in a competitive market. CA being CA and crazy expensive will eat away from salary gain, will probably have to keep the Denver option open. Start from scratch on a new job. My wife is also expecting which makes this a life changing and tough decision and want to make sure I take the right step. Simple Question- Is Facebook worth it to make this move ?? Do share ur experiences. Looking for some feedback. Edit: we are expecting twins so I am shitting my pants on this decision. Wife wants to go for it. My wife is in IT. FB is flexible on joining because of pregnancy. On a visa.

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Salesforce torbmain Jul 15, 2019

Sounds like a big nope to me. Especially if this is your first kid and you aren’t sure what to expect.

LinkedIn tbt Jul 15, 2019


mouthwash Jul 15, 2019

If you are in visa .. it could be risky.. if not .. how easy will it be for your wife to get a job? Has she tried submitting resumes ? Also if she is expecting.. the new employer may not giver her maternity leave .. if Facebook offer can wait for few months (till your wife has maternity leave) it will be good. You also need to be there more if this is your first child .. so many things to consider before you accept this offer I feel. Tough spot .

T-Mobile NA_123 OP Jul 15, 2019

Just edited my post to anwser ur question

mouthwash Jul 15, 2019

My son was 1 year old and when I lost my job when he was 8 months. You will be literally and figuratively shitting in your pants to be honest if things go south. Also visa and kids is both worth the uncertainty you will be putting yourself in to be honest . So I say tell Facebook you can join in 6 months and go from there if after six months you still want to do it. Don’t say No .. take time is my best thought. Good luck and congratulations. Kids are lot of work but it is worth it :)

Google anshumar Jul 15, 2019

Big NO. Justification: 1) FB WLB is really bad. Discussed on several occasions here. 2) FB fires really fast. Unless you are pretty good at what you are doing, you are risking too much. You’ll be moving to MPK or DEN, then what if things go south? You’ll be stuck in a different city. There is no jobs at Denver. At Seattle, you could always go back to your old job. Relocation to a different city makes things really complicated.

Oscar 🐨koala Jul 15, 2019

+1. Good analysis.

Facebook public2 Jul 15, 2019

1) wlb is great, again note this isnt tech 2) huh? Also if you hate a job you can always move back...

Dell vegita Jul 15, 2019

What’s the TC that you have been offered. I also work in non tech and interested in interviewing with them!!

Turingfan Jul 15, 2019

Same tc in Denver for fb?

T-Mobile NA_123 OP Jul 15, 2019

They mentioned it should not make much difference

Google anshumar Jul 15, 2019

MPK is significantly expensive.

Microsoft und6b1hf Jul 15, 2019

Strong NO. Stay where you are. Better off.

Prudential sm11 Jul 15, 2019

This is simple — NO

Tableau BlAk00 Jul 15, 2019

I joined FB a little while ago and did a similar but far less fraught calculation. I wasn’t totally sure (and am still not) it was the right move for me, It’s your risk tolerance and the number of unknowns. There are way too many in your case IMO. Of course, by the same token anything can be recovered from and sometimes it’s okay to take some risk. If I were you, though, I would not take it.

Facebook public2 Jul 15, 2019

Of course, gets you out of seattle. Career and quality of life will skyrocket. Wife will have no problem finding a job; everyone and their mother is hiring. Benefits are amazing for family and you can use parental leave time to get settled. Congrats on the twins and offer!

Amazon pawUI Jul 19, 2019

Why will everything skyrocket out of Seattle?

Facebook public2 Jul 19, 2019

How would it not? More opportunities, more culture, more fun, and serious cannot stress how much impact sun can have on quality of life and generally happiness.