Tech IndustryAug 3, 2019

Transitioning towards DE from BI Engineer

Hi All, First post here. I'm a BI engineer. I use Tableau , MicroStrategy and SQL to develop Reports and Data viz. I'd like to transition towards becoming a Data engineer. I don't have a CS background but I've been practicing python and studying DS&A but I don't know where to go from here. People have been asking me to do small projects but I'm not sure where to start. Any advice or help ? Thanks

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Atlassian d@t_person Aug 4, 2019

You’ve got a ways to go. Python (not just data science libraries), I mean real SWE dev work in python, Airflow, Apache Spark, HQL/Spark, CS/software engineering fundamentals, API (probably in Flask), testing. VCS/git, Agile dev, get to learning. Remember the tortoise wins the race.

mxlan OP Aug 4, 2019

Thank you ! I have some exposure to a couple of tech you mentioned but not much of hands on. I'll def keep this going. Just that I feel overwhelmed when there is so much content out there.

Atlassian d@t_person Aug 4, 2019

One step at a time. Was in similar situation. It’s very doable to learn everything yourself. Learning python very well will always help since it will easy to pick up new packages like airflow, etc. Once u start making headway if u could get a role as a DE at a startup then that would help u tremendously with getting a great learning experience so u can thrive at a bigger tech firm. Where are u located?

Amazon Hello!!!!! Aug 4, 2019

What’s the motivation here? Is there huge pay difference between BIE and DE?

Atlassian d@t_person Aug 5, 2019

Yea actually there is. Especially went u get to the point where u are essentially a SWE with a focus on data systems

mxlan OP Aug 5, 2019

To be honest it's not the pay, for me. I want to upskill so I know I'm learning and moving towards roles I think I could work well in. An expertise in DE and BI is my focus for now.

Amazon Hello!!!!! Aug 5, 2019

Mind sharing the pay for BIE And DE?