Tech IndustryOct 3, 2019
Google👻 gler

Two Sigma Behaviorals

What is Two Sigma looking for in the behavioral interviews?

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Google cigsinside Oct 3, 2019

Every interviewer does it very differently so it's hard to say one thing or another. My first interview was pretty typical tell me about yourself stuff and discussing projects I've done in the past. The next two felt very good cop/bad cop. The first guy really tried to put me on the spot in various different ways and the one after that was super nice and was really just a chance for me to ask more questions about 2s. Without specifically mentioning the questions I got asked, be ready to speak about failures and how you've learned from them + your ability to make good technical decisions.

Google 👻 gler OP Oct 4, 2019

I already interviewed with them once! I had the same experience with one interviewer just being a “ask me questions” and the other asked me to code. I am just wondering what things theyre looking for