Tech IndustryJul 24, 2018

UX Design

I worked in UX Design in the Los Angeles are until I passed 40 years old. Then it became VERY difficult to get work. I've moved my family to FL for work, and because it's cheaper, but we'd all rather be back in LA. Anyone know if ageism is still a problem in LA?

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Roku OlO Jul 24, 2018

Age is not a problem at all in Bay Area if you are interested in relocating to here. Keep up to the trends. You will find a good job soon!!

ioCA50 OP Jul 24, 2018

It's so expensive up there! Are UX salaries up to it?

Roku OlO Jul 24, 2018

I think so.

SAP duoMany Nov 8, 2019

Ux salaries in the bay area are as competitive as software engineer salaries.