LayoffsFeb 4, 2020

Uber Layoff Predictions

Given the recent fake news on Blind on Uber layoffs, when do you think the next round of "rightsizing" will be?

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Uber kLef85 Feb 4, 2020

Last time lots of people felt the layoff coming. The intense, the communication all had indications. There’s none atm. So even there’s a layoff, it’ll not be company-wide

Uber plumberjo Feb 5, 2020

Layoffs at Uber are not strictly speaking need driven. They are a symbol of how the company treats the employees. After the painful rounds of layoffs which were a mix of perf and political targets, we hired a lot back. Just poor leadership and execution.

Uber jablinski Feb 7, 2020

What are you talking about? Most of my team and I got hit by the Eats India Acquisition last month (~300 people).

EPAM Systems GcqO14 Feb 8, 2020

You mean were laid off?

Uber CoderSA Feb 19, 2020

Sooo, were there any US layoffs?