Tech IndustryFeb 3, 2020

Understanding a hiring manager's mind

Any Hiring Manager in here tonight from any company? Do recruiters send you all the candidates that applied for a position or not? Also, what do you base your decision on?

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Microsoft fastptr Feb 3, 2020


ax5bbcc OP Feb 3, 2020


Goldman Sachs ztxy Feb 3, 2020

Can you understand your own mind?

ax5bbcc OP Feb 3, 2020

More or less

OpenTable Meliodas Feb 3, 2020

Plenty are around. You’ll get a better response if you include the actual question.

ax5bbcc OP Feb 3, 2020

Let me update the question then

OpenTable Meliodas Feb 3, 2020

No, they usually don’t. We are busy and have better uses of our time than parsing a raw feed of applicants. We tend to give the recruiters an idea of what we are looking for, so they can filter out candidates that aren’t close to being a fit. We look over the candidates that may be a fit, then let the recruiter know which candidates to set up a phone screen.

ax5bbcc OP Feb 3, 2020

But how can a recruiter scan a candidates abilities when he has no technical background. For example, if I wrote on my resume that I used Prisma, how would he discren that I was working with Graphql?

OpenTable Meliodas Feb 3, 2020

They look for relevance with the job description and ask, then learn the buzzwords over time. If the role says graphQL experience, I would recommend being explicit on your resume.

Microsoft lubed Feb 3, 2020

No - we ignore a lot of candidates that apply on a role or apply to many roles - some candidates apply to all available roles . Recruiters do their screening based on manager requirements - hiring managers don’t have time to go through all resumes

ax5bbcc OP Feb 3, 2020

But how can a recruiter scan a candidates abilities when he has no technical background. For example, if I wrote on my resume that I used Prisma, how would he discren that I was working with Graphql?

Facebook 0b1000101 Feb 3, 2020

1) not all recruiters have no technical background. Plus they see a LOT of resumes. Most of them aren’t idiots. 2) if the job posting lists GraphQL, include that keyword in there (assuming you’ve actually worked with it). Often individual resumes aren’t reviewed, they’re pulled via search from the ATS.

Uber s4ndwi3h Feb 3, 2020

Hiring managers are human and not robots, not everyone is alike. Some wants a “yes-man”, some wants a genius, some wants someone pretty to decorate the office. You need to probe yourself