
Web games tutorial

Anyone interested in making web games? I want to try out this Phaser library but there are no tutorials for the new version and I don’t want to pay the full $99 for this course. Anyone interested in going splitsies on it?

HTML5 Game Development Mini-Degree
HTML5 Game Development Mini-Degree
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Airbnb jzpqmlzzgy OP Jun 29, 2018

I’m honestly just interested in the platformer course. If anyone just wants to split that I’m down for that too

Hdhsjsjjsj Jun 29, 2018

I was actually playing around with Phaser last week. They have quite good examples for v2 and the documentation is ok. Source is well structured too so it’s easy to figure things out. In the end I actually decided to use MatterJS for collision detection and physics, PixiJS for renderer, and then build the rest on my own. How complex do you feel that your game is going to be?

Airbnb jzpqmlzzgy OP Jun 29, 2018

MatterJS doesn’t seem to have out of the box support for arcade style physics where the calculations are a lot less expensive than realistic physics.

Airbnb jzpqmlzzgy OP Jun 29, 2018

And I think phaser ditched pixi as a renderer for a similar reason? It was overkill and not optimized for games