Tech IndustryMar 24, 2019

What is your current level?

Curious about the level distribution of blind since sometimes even (alleged) L8+ level people post here. Try to account for title inflation and choose one relative to the usual ladder at top tech companies (looking at you, LinkedIn/Bloomberg folks). Use for comparison if you are unsure. - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
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VMware vKickAss Mar 24, 2019

Levels are very ambiguous across companies and doesn't hold the same bar.

Google Woopsy Mar 24, 2019

You are missing senior staff (L7)

Pinterest. Mar 24, 2019

I'm CEO bi*tch

Microsoft liuh Mar 24, 2019

What's the diff between staff and principal? Aren't they the same. Like G uses staff, we use principal.

Google Woopsy Mar 24, 2019

At G: staff is L6, senior staff L7, principal L8 Click on the link: G principal is more like you 68/69

Microsoft liuh Mar 24, 2019

So basically staff=principal, principal=partner. The point is we need some reference standard.