
What to do with a shitty non-diversified portfolio?

I'm in %20 loss in a 30k portfolio of some individual stocks, some index and FTE, all in tech. Here are my losses: -%5 Amazon -%45 Nvidia -%29 Facebook -%16 VOO -%10 VGT -%15 VTI -%5 SKYY -%43 KWEB Thought about selling the whole thing a few days ago for stop loss, but didn't and lost more. I have had some other gains and if I sell my losses, can save on tax. What do you think is the best action now that we're officially in bear market?

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Netflix bread Dec 21, 2018

Buy high sell low usually doesn’t work out!

Google Fycz21 Dec 21, 2018

Keep buying. DAC

LinkedIn Vogy87 Dec 21, 2018

It's DCA

ffffuuuuun Dec 21, 2018

I'm so sorry for you.

ffffuuuuun Dec 21, 2018

Sell the ones with least losses is the option you are missing and the only one that makes any sense. Or hold... But yeah good luck.

Google 🍑☁️ Dec 21, 2018

The price that you bought at doesn't affect whether or not it's a good idea to sell

ffffuuuuun Dec 21, 2018

Yeah but in this case don't you think all tech stocks are overvalued? You could go as far as saying most stocks are somewhat overvalued as other asset classes are now more attractive investments.

Daimler RUQX52 Dec 21, 2018

Google "gamblers fallacy" and "sunk cost fallacy". TLDR: don't decide on what happened in the past. Also "you didn't loose anything if you haven't sold" is bullshit. Do you want to invest long term? Get a good portfolio (ETF) and don't look at it for decades. You want to do short term? Go to a casino instead. At least there you know what the odds are.

DocuSign 10charonly Dec 21, 2018

Pretend you had the equivalent amount of cash. Would you buy the same stocks? If so, hold. If not, sell. People hold on to their lemons for too long.

IBM g-eazy Dec 21, 2018

If you don't need the money then don't sell it duh

BlueVine GnpV87 Dec 21, 2018

What’s your goal with this investment, to retire in 35 years or to buy a house in 3 years? If you wanna just gain more wealth long term then don’t worry about short term swings unless you think a company is gonna go out of business. If you’re investing short term then you should have far fewer risky tech stocks and more diversification, bonds, mutual funds, etc.

Jaghmo Dec 21, 2018

Move to short term bonds till end of January or when the sell-off stops

MSFT_fte OP Dec 21, 2018

You mean selling all the portfolio, buy short term bonds, and when sell off seemed to stop, buy back the stocks?

MSFT_fte OP Dec 21, 2018

Also why not just selling and have cash instead of bond?

Amazon IAmJob Dec 21, 2018

If you are considering selling at a low market point, it means you cannot stomach the risk. Buy low, sell high. Its low now, so buy more. On the other hand, index funds are more safe.