Tech IndustryDec 25, 2019
Custom Service PlasticsRabino

Whats the worst thing among these in the Bay Area ?

Just curious if Bay area can get any worse. Moved here from Midwest 5 months ago and already thinking of going back. TC: 105k

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Google nUXH62 Dec 25, 2019

Having TC 105k

Custom Service Plastics Rabino OP Dec 25, 2019

Yeah. Forgot to add it . Damn it wont let me change the poll

Indeed chachee Dec 25, 2019

Yikes. Org?

Cisco i like me Dec 25, 2019

Our taxes taken off to supposedly help poor people, but I see more homeless everyday

Apple 2.70|10:1 Dec 25, 2019

Nope 1/3 for military

Facebook tAGO84 Dec 25, 2019

18%* and that doesn't include state spending 1/3 federal goes to poor and another 1/3 goes to elderly

Workday RisingOne Dec 25, 2019

Other. You just wait. People saying they're your friend and then backstabbing you was one of my favorites. Another favorite was people telling you they're going to do something and then backing out at least half the time. There's more, too. You'll soon have the pleasure of people never ever giving you feedback or sharing their true thoughts or emotions, and instead undermining you at every turn, because they are afraid of offending you in any way. If they do give feedback, it will be so obscured that you won't understand what they're saying. Something like, "I believe people should be nice to each other", when what they really mean is, "I said that the projector was off, but you said it was actually on. You should know never to correct me in public." Because obviously you are going to understand exactly what they're talking about from, "I believe people should be nice to each other." Then they are going to say that you have bad communication skills, because you don't talk as indirectly as they do. Yeah, that's what you're in for. That place sucks, man. Good luck. DM me if you want to hear me complain more.

eBay kwii1dk Dec 25, 2019

The bit on the communication skills is quite spot on. Moved in here from the EU, but having previously lived in the Midwest, the bay is quite the fucked up place indeed.

Workday RisingOne Dec 25, 2019

Oh wait! There's more. Wait until you learn that if something bad happens, everyone expects you to either never bring it up or reframe it positively. Lying is also perfectly ok, as long as you're able to get out of it with statements like, "I forgot" or, "oh, I didn't realize." If you really want to fit in, it's important that you passively aggressively attack anyone who tries to confront you as well. It's also respected to bully people to get your way. If you can abuse people for your own gain, and get away with it, people will look up to you. They will respect you. Oh, and if you get angry about anything, it's YOUR problem that you are responsible for solving. HAVE FUN. Silicon Valley is hell on Earth for anyone born in the East. Top notch place over there.

scheme Dec 25, 2019

Let it out, my friend but most of what you mention is part of life in general and not specific to the bay area.

Workday RisingOne Dec 25, 2019

Not at all.

Netskope ovrN78 Dec 25, 2019

High tax and scarcity of girls

Cisco spatfire Dec 26, 2019

40%? try 51% once you hit the CA bonus 1% above 1m.

Atlassian d@t_person Dec 26, 2019

Another Midwesterner crying over stupid shit comparing SF to where they were before. Also we don’t pay 40% in taxes, this isn’t Europe.

tc400k Dec 26, 2019

Bet you $1000 that if you live in the bay and make over $250k, you will pay more than 40% of your income to various government bodies. After federal income, ssmedicare, state income (8%), sales, property, gas tax, tolls, parking fees, and whatever shit they invented this month. I did this calculation for myself recently. Left the state to claim about 10% back. Literally started seeing an extra $4000 per month as soon as I left California and filed residency elsewhere (in a state with no income tax 😎.

Atlassian d@t_person Dec 26, 2019

I only pay about net avg 25% in taxes with over 200k in TC. Gas and tolls and parking fees are taxes dufus

OpenTable Meliodas Dec 26, 2019

One is always paying for location. The Midwest is valued less by the market for a reason.

Atlassian d@t_person Dec 26, 2019

Yea you get a discount for putting up with shit locale

Workday RisingOne Dec 26, 2019

What do you like better about Bay Area over Midwest?

Uber trrrr Dec 26, 2019

Everyone talking about TC