Tech IndustryOct 2, 2019

What's your job search tool chain?

Hi - Wondering what kind of tools you've used for searching, preparing and negotiating. I am using LinkedIn as primary tool for looking for positions with specific alerts. Once I find a post I am interested in, I try to see if there is someone in the network that can forward my resume. As for the prep phase, it's mostly been EPI / LC / Design reviews so far. What tools do/did you use?

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Facebook ⭕w⭕ Oct 2, 2019

LinkedIn and Leetcode are the only things you need.

Splunk Adgrok Oct 2, 2019

Linkedin to find the role, Blind and Glassdoor to find salary and truth about the company /role

uOQG52 OP Oct 2, 2019

What approach did you take when you did not have anyone for a personal referral?

Facebook sexydude Oct 2, 2019

Don’t forget

Panasonic Avionics Nintendo64 Oct 2, 2019

I blast out resumes with loaded keywords nilly willy.. its a numbers game. I don’t make judgement on the company or role until I hear from it directly. If recruiter or hiring manager are assholes, I leave

Cognizant CSK27 Oct 2, 2019

I have been tailoring my resume and applying for 2 months not hearing back at all. Any ideas to nail a job?

Panasonic Avionics Nintendo64 Oct 2, 2019

Volume.. just jam a bunch of keywords and smash that apply button as fast as you can

Cognizant CSK27 Oct 2, 2019

Don’t they have to correlate to job description? Shouldn’t the content have to flow? Need your advice here. I am really overwhelmed with the amount of jobs I’ve to tailor and apply..

FormFactor Tove1 Oct 2, 2019

What happened with Indeed, Monster, etc??