Tech IndustryMar 20, 2019

Which offer to accept

1 yoe, 2 internships. decided not to do a phd and move into tech. which offer to take? DD 135 plus paper money Google 165 Verily 157 Bloomberg 167

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Oscar 🐨koala Mar 20, 2019

Why is DD even a contender lol

Memorial Sloan aVLs40 OP Mar 20, 2019

Idk it seemed good, don't really know the general opinion of the tech world

Oscar 🐨koala Mar 20, 2019

Just that their worth is never going to match either Bloomberg or Google. But congratz. I’s use bloomberg to compete google’s. Remember Bloomberg is all cash because they cannot go public.

monomo Mar 20, 2019

Is this even a question, wtf. Dumb and dumber posts everyday. People do all sorts of things to crave attention these days.

Oscar 🐨koala Mar 20, 2019

Wow calm down. This is better than politics!

Amazon cLdC56 Mar 20, 2019

Big cong. But 2 interns can count as 1 yoe?

Memorial Sloan aVLs40 OP Mar 20, 2019

No I was thinking of a PhD so I worked in research for a year then gave up that life

Akamai Technologies Bboi Mar 20, 2019

Google. It has a brand value which is almost unmatched (for future job applications) and they reward engineers very well over time(RSU/bonus). The benefits are nice too. Internal movement is fairly easy in comparison to other places if you get bored after a year.