Tech IndustryJun 24, 2019

Who works with Jen Gennai?

The google person from the Veritas video. She seems hell bent on making sure google does everything in its power to prevent Trump 2020. Why? Does google allow this kind of political bias? Also I’ve heard allegation that Veritas distorts views, so if you know of info otherwise, let me know. Also - non US folks, a lot of whom don’t share US values; should not be working on things that impact US elections or bill of rights. Someone who never grew up 1A or 2A is likely to be against them compared to the majority of US population. Policies at our large companies should not be decided by these folks. Let’s learn a bit and put trolling aside for this post 😅

Add a comment QTFP86 Jun 24, 2019

Ultra liberal left don’t understand, more they oppose him baselessly, more he gains the popularity!

Google SonOfCoul Jun 24, 2019

She wrote a response on Medium. Seems like she was thought she talking to some people in a casual dinner. I haven’t seen the video.

Twitter Oomnj OP Jun 24, 2019

Yeah that’s the premise of Veritas videos - to get you to open up to people who consider trustworthy. It’s investigative journalism 101. I’m referring to the actual words she said not the setting she said them in

Twitter Oomnj OP Jun 24, 2019

Ok I just read her medium article. Doesn’t refute anything said in the video - just said its about general election meddling, but then why refer to that as trump 2020? She obviously let her real thoughts slip.

Illumina dbsktn Jun 24, 2019

Google doesn’t just “allow” that type of political activism, they seek it out and make it happen.

LinkedIn mSNI75 Jun 24, 2019

You think the average American born with 1A/ 2A understands what they mean? Stop kidding yourself.

Twitter Oomnj OP Jun 25, 2019

Understands way more than others. Trust me. Everyone that’s derided as flyover country understands the important of 1A and 2A better than most city folks on the coasts.

LinkedIn mSNI75 Jun 25, 2019

But aren’t city folks Americans? Yes, the average American is more gung ho about 1A and 2A but the interpretations you see of them in common conversations seems off/ wrong.

Amazon justa Jun 25, 2019

Some racist BS about other countries not having the same values. Wow. She has a Veritas video, you are here cribbing about it on Blind, surely she has better developed sense of values. QTFP86 Jun 25, 2019

There it goes, in-built sense of elitism, every one gets that as soon as they do some left leaning statements, doesn’t matter how lame it could be. Now she has certified better developed sense. 🤫

Twitter Oomnj OP Jun 25, 2019

How is it racist? There are people of all races in different countries outside the US

Yahoo KccO10 Jun 25, 2019

It’s not “investigative journalism”, it’s editing footage to create a fake narrative. If you can’t see that past your own biases then it makes sense - you probably watch Fox News.

Twitter Oomnj OP Jun 25, 2019

Yahoo KccO10 Jun 25, 2019

Dude, you’re posting quotes from a king dipshit. Says a lot.

PATH30H Jun 30, 2019

Ya the journalists are assholes but can you deny that google doing this is bad for democracy I think fundamentally you can prove that googles autosuggest is controlled by decision makers and is biased.