Xilinx Comp and Culture

What's the Xilinx pay for RTL engineer with 3 years of experience? What's the culture at Xilinx like? Would you recommend it to others?

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Intel SobBwan Aug 15, 2019

When you are at Intel, everyone is telling you to gtfo. When you prepare to gtfo and ask such important questions, everyone else gtfo from blind Good luck getting any information

Google dumbfcuk Aug 15, 2019


Xilinx LWkj71 Aug 15, 2019

You have an offer? Tell us grade and numbers (all of them) and we'll break it down for you. All I can say right now that Xilinx is better than Intel.

Xilinx alix Aug 15, 2019

I worked at both. The grass always appears to be greener on the other side. Generally your comp is better if you leave a company in favor for another. The cultures are not too different. I would say X is more old school.

Xilinx ldxr1234 Aug 15, 2019

What is your tc offered by xilinx ?

NVIDIA supertc Aug 15, 2019

Is Xilinx like the hipster name for Nutanix?

Xilinx LWkj71 Aug 15, 2019

No it's Nvidia's smarter brother.

NVIDIA supertc Aug 15, 2019

Only one of our stocks is in the shitter 💩

Intel HotDang Aug 15, 2019

This has some details! https://us.teamblind.com/s/5uPWuvmR

Pure Storage Jfat Aug 15, 2019

Most the ppl on Blind don’t even know what Xilinx does. Lol

Xilinx LWkj71 Aug 15, 2019

Hey atleast our stock is not chopped in half like yours! (cloud company my arse)

Pure Storage Jfat Aug 15, 2019

You misunderstood my intent. I think most ppl on Blind don’t know bc they’re fake engineers.

Tesla snsnu Aug 15, 2019

What is Xanax?

Xilinx LWkj71 Aug 15, 2019

Shut up inmate no. 420

Xilinx Snickers11 Aug 16, 2019

Xilinx is old school... I get the sense that the company is led by the people who have camped out for 20+ years, and not necessarily the most talented people. The company avoids laying off engineers... Every few years there are reorgs as someone new shifts into power. They typically shift people around, with minimal layoffs targeting middle management or marketing folk. So as an engineer it is a pretty stable gig. The company does seem a bit stingy with promotions and raises... so negotiate before you take the offer.

Xilinx LWkj71 Aug 16, 2019


Xilinx lYAh22 Aug 16, 2019


Xilinx alix Aug 16, 2019

Totally agree with snickers.