Tech IndustryJan 24, 2020

YoE requirement enforced?

I’ve been at Amazon for about 1.5 years and am looking to apply at Snapchat, but they say they are looking for 3 YoE required. I will apply anyway, but how seriously does this hurt my chances of getting a response? Also have an Amazon internship and a part-time programming position from my last year of college #snap #snapchat

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Cisco sirblargal Jan 24, 2020

Can't speak for Snap specifically but the first job I got wanted 5 YOE. I had 0. These are often written by HR people and aren't strongly enforced.

Boeing chodia Jan 24, 2020

Get referral and it should be ok

Toyota oqh324 Jan 24, 2020

I applied to FB with a referral for a position that required 2 yoe, I have 1 year 9 months experience, the recruiter called me to reject me and told me reapply in 3 months lol

Amazon I$/&1 OP Jan 24, 2020

Lmao damn