Tech IndustryJan 7, 2020

amazon onsite: to split?

Should I split my onsite with two teams? One team seems better than the other. The recruiter told me this is to my advantage but I dont know if thats true.

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Citrix Systems VqRY60 Jan 7, 2020

Is if even allowed to have simultaneous interviews as if you get rejected from one you’re into a cooldown period

Nike softwareng OP Jan 7, 2020

Apparently both teams interview me at the same time. If one team likes me and the other doesn’t I can still go with that and if both like me I can pick.

Amazon sfxSEA Jan 7, 2020

Yes but usually if one team doesn’t like you, the other team will most likely reject you as well since you didn’t pass the bar for another team.

Juniper print(‘f’) Jan 7, 2020

Sorry thats not true! Feedback are not shared outside the team. Both the teams decide independently. That is the whole point of split! I have a friend who got positive feedback from one team and negative from the other. He was offered later. In apple also, when i was interviewing with two different sister teams in parallel. Got offer from one and reject from the other. The recruiter had only set it up that way.

Amazon sfxSEA Jan 7, 2020

I’m a hiring manager and have participated in multiple split loops. When we split a loop we do the debrief together.

Amazon dbhxhen Jan 7, 2020

The bar is the same. Leadership principles expectation generally do not change. And it's the functional expertise which can flip one team to another. In layman terms you maybe good in python but not Java and may become deal breaker for one team. Generally only close teams who trust each other do split loops to avoid fights with respect bar.