google hangout interview tomorrow

so i have the First Google Hangout interview tomorrow for a Finance role. appreciate any advice you might have, things to look out for, dos and donts

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Soft❤️ Dec 16, 2019

- Test your camera. Make sure the background is clean & clutter free. - Be in a well lit room / area. - Make sure you’re prepared to answer usual behavioral & experience questions. - Relax right before it. Make sure you’re smiling & are attentive. Good luck!

Expedia Group 009900 Dec 21, 2019

How did it go?

Uber Ywkp83 OP Dec 22, 2019

Went pretty well. Got rescheduled once but happened We’d evening at 5. Fingers crossed for the next steps

Expedia Group 009900 Dec 24, 2019

That’s good to hear! Good luck!