Diversified SystemsDS/AV_ATL1

iCloud scare tactic

Now regularly receiving “iPhone nearly out of storage” notifications, encouraging me to purchase iCloud services I don’t need. (Currently 10 Gb available on my device) How do Blinders feel this tactic affects trust in the Apple brand?

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Uber YbWL84 Dec 1, 2017

Uber doesn't hold a monopoly on jerks, after all.

Microsoft zeBB40 Dec 1, 2017

...it pushed me to install my OneDrive app/subscription and store most of my items there. Turned off almost everything going to iCloud. Worked!

Facebook veronica& Dec 1, 2017

Do people know how I can turn off this notification?

Google nuckchorri Dec 1, 2017

Just switch to pixel, unlimited free storage..

Amazon CoruptSoul Dec 1, 2017

Gray Pixel?

Apple IVlm73 Dec 6, 2017

BS: you can only have unlimited storage if you use high compression image format. As soon as you want to store full resolution raw files, you have to pay google.

Lyft WNeX18 Dec 1, 2017

I personally hate the 5gb limit they cap you at. I understand that it’s a way for them to make more margins, but I mean the phones they ship are 64-256gb nowadays for God’s sake. When I switched to my iPhone X I couldn’t even restore from iCloud backup without having to pay for the 50gb storage limit, since my backup was bigger than the free 5gb tier. They really need to do something about this, free tier should at least be able to allow updates from previous phones backups 😠 instead of having to make you pay to do so...

Diversified Systems DS/AV_ATL1 OP Dec 1, 2017

For $1k to buy an iPhoneX your should be GIVEN free iCloud storage equivalent to the size of your handset’s storage.

Apple pDBI73 Dec 1, 2017

...how much iCloud storage do you have available?

Diversified Systems DS/AV_ATL1 OP Dec 1, 2017

2 GB

Apple pDBI73 Dec 1, 2017

LMAO your phone said “iCloud is out of storage”, meaning your phones trying backup overnight, but you don’t have any iCloud storage available. If you don’t want iCloud to protect you from losing all your data if your phone takes a shit, turn off iCloud backup. Simple as that /thread

Square ☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️ Dec 1, 2017

Don't use iCloud unless you want your data to disappear

Diversified Systems DS/AV_ATL1 OP Dec 1, 2017

Agree. Dropbox or nothing. OneDrive is stupid too. Why would I share a file that is going to automatically pester the person I’m sharing with to setup an account? MS not giving me a discount or credit for this...eff that. Dropbox just works exactly like it should