StartupsJan 11, 2020

investments in pre-IPO startups

I am looking to start making investments into some startups. Where can I buy stocks for these provately held companies?

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Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 11, 2020

Which one do you want?

Amazon Cl68fr OP Jan 11, 2020

No particular one right now. I want to figure out channels to buy stocks that either employees are selling in a secondary market or in case companies are raising funds and opening small amounts to people other than core investors. If such a thing even exists.

Actifio hellovoid Jan 16, 2020

check out sharepost (

Startup777 Jan 11, 2020

Why not just become a angel investor, sounds like that's what you're describing

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 11, 2020

High risk, high return (if the company doesn't turn out like wework)

Amazon Cl68fr OP Jan 13, 2020

Yes, that is what I am describing I guess but don’t have as much $$. Looking to participate small to start with (keep total investments under 50k).