Tech IndustryJan 22, 2020

levels fyi TC calculation

Hey guys, for levels fyi numbers for TC, do they include partial refreshers or not? See Example with easy numbers: Job with $150k base, 0 bonus/sign on bonus, $200k RSU package over 4 years ($50k per year), $60k refresher (vesting over 4 years) given every year. Does levels FYI consider this TC to be $200k? Or to be more like (200 + 215 + 230 + 245) / 4 = $222k? The latter calculation factors refreshers into the TC assuming the person stays exactly 4 years (so average the TC of all 4 years). Or does levels FYI factor in refreshers into TC but not in the way I show above? Anyone know? Without knowing it's hard to know how accurate these numbers are. - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
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Splunk wassup1 Jan 22, 2020

I have seen like 5 different ways you can calculate TC.. I think the census is to only look at what's on the offer letter? Unless refreshers are guaranteed?

Apple AnGG42 OP Jan 22, 2020

The problem though is at some companies or orgs, refreshers are pretty much always guaranteed in practice even if they aren't on the offer letter..

Jane Street Capital dudheye Jan 22, 2020

"pretty much always guaranteed" is just "not guaranteed" with prettier words

Microsoft Knows Jan 22, 2020

Only offer letter. No refreshers.