Tech IndustryJul 11, 2019

protect stock grant

Does anyone have experience buying long term puts prior to joining a company to protect their stock grant? TC 400k

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PagerDuty sjwkk23 Jul 11, 2019

I think any sort of hedging is insider trading and not allowed in my exp.

Google IWKc12 OP Jul 11, 2019

how is it insider trading if I hedge prior to joining? w/o any insider knowledge of company financials.

Snapchat BlindAsA๐Ÿฆ‡ Jul 11, 2019

I would caution against this. You will likely have to sign a document promising not to trade derivatives on your stock. Options trading is usually forbidden, and even holding them is a bad idea. You want your incentives to be aligned with the company's.

Amazon replica Jul 11, 2019

It's an interesting argument if you do it before joining. Better consult a financial advisor/lawyer?