Tech IndustryFeb 17, 2020

salary expectations for Product Manager 3 at AMZN in Irvine

HR is asking to provide salary expectations before scheduling interviews for Product Manager 3 in Irvine. he seems like stubborn and not buying “I am looking for a challenging opportunity” answer. how should i respond? shall i give me my current salary as a baseline? plz advise.

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gnGBA3I Feb 17, 2020 and ask for the high end of the range of the level you’re interviewing for. Also TC or GTFO

Qualcomm tech@az OP Feb 17, 2020

HR wants to break down by base pay, bonus and RSUs. This is the first time I have seen this type of details being asked before interview.

Adobe dobeman Feb 17, 2020

I was asked for the same when interviewing for an SDE II position at Amazon in Seattle, just give the upper end of the range according to levels fyi for each part. In my case they got close enough that I was ok with it.