What's your BMI?

Round it to the nearest whole number

209 Participants
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State Farm cogs11 May 7

29. I am a fatass. I work at statefarm so its not surprising.

Palo Alto Networks ImDum May 7


State Farm cogs11 May 7

Jake once he retires. All the muscles turn to FAT 🫠

PAX Labs lost clown May 7

We got some chonkers here

Amazon Gmop12 May 10

Waiting for their glow up stories of gym work and fitness.

Apple mangamania May 7


AMD 2f0i2r3e May 7

I measure mine a few times a week, it hovers around 25-26. Bmi isn't a great indicating metric though

Google FitSWE May 7

BMI is not a good metric it does not work well for muscular people. I am at 14-15 bf with some six pack ab visibility as currently I am in bulk cycle

Palo Alto Networks ImDum May 7

Post pics

OKG Technology not-ok May 8

I want a 34+ ffmi

Microsoft [dos.exe] May 9


LinkedIn nfjwdn May 9

BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 Overweight = 25–29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm

Oak Street Health aodsgksadg May 9

im fat

Amazon Selector May 10

Over 9000!

Google GNsp11 May 10

Under 15 because it's summer, and that means cutting szn, and that means shirts off and abs out. Time to hop on that -600 calorie deficit y'all.