
YouTube Engineers, what is going on?

I have been watching YouTube for a long time, I’ve been one of the early users. It used to be a place full of great content, travel vlogs, people sharing their lives. I learned so much through YouTube, at first there was so much educational content there (StatQuest for instance). There is still a lot of great content, but it is completely shadow banned and now most of what is recommended is only scam YouTubers trying to sell courses on courses on courses and MLM people trying to get you to sign for the MLM platform skool. YouTube seems now to be only a funnel for scammers, and not a place where to watch quality content anymore. Why is the algorithm changing this way? What is happening? Why aren’t users like this penalised or restricted in some ways? TC:140 #youtube #content #contentcreators #mlm #scam #courses

Amazon 650k-TC May 14

Your TC isn’t worthy of giving a response

987654321! OP May 14

I really hope that with your TC you are paying for a therapist. I wish you a great rest of your day :)

OYO LC_Pro May 14


Qualcomm hkOS04 May 14

I agree, I have experienced this behavior in other google products as well (like Google voice assistant, ytMusic). I now get sunday surmons in my podcast playlist while I was always being interested only in daily news podcasts.

SoFi PapaElonM May 14

I think every topic is triggering the woke algorithm to lower the reco priority. Only neutral videos are left. Also there is probably a lot of click farming going on which messes with the algorithm.

987654321! OP May 14

Absolutely, I see what you mean. It is still worrisome that there doesn’t seem to be any checks on YT side. It is indeed the users’ and viewers’ fault to click on sketchy links - but I’m still baffled at how YT isn’t putting restrictions on which links YouTubers get to put on their video description section.

Google GNsp11 May 14

The woke algorithm? Uh I don't even know how to process this. If you think we tailor our algorithms by "woke" and not "woke" I have a secret list of the names of the Illuminati to sell you.

Microsoft jdoedoe May 14

The app skips from one video to another from time to time. Anyone else having similar issues?

Salesforce breeza May 14


Illumina Tunatsub May 14

YouTube is in on the scams. It's a billion dollar industry.

Google GNsp11 May 14

It's the same reason any platform has clickbait: people have learned to how to optimize the algorithm. That's literally it. Any platform, regardless of political slant or anything else, will run into this problem. It's a never ending technology and politics agnostic arms race between a company who develops an algorithm and people who learn how to optimize their own goods to benefit from said algorithm ranking. You can go take a look at any platform with an algorithm see this happening. E-commerce, non-US companies, anything using an algorithm will eventually run up against this. I don't understand how people come up with such wild theories when most "why" questions can be answered with "people want to make more money".

Microsoft copypilot May 15

Just fix the algorithm to sort good content to the top and scams and click bait to the bottom, jees. There's enough LC monkeys around, they're pretty good with algorithms.

Stripe FinTekPro May 14

The only annoying thing is YT shoving more and longer ads, even blocked ad blockers, so my screen time has shifted to TikTok, much less ads and more entertaining.

Google eybfdjns May 14

Because way too many people are drawn to videos featuring beautiful and sexy ladies. What recommended to you is a reflection of the majority. The algorithm thinks you are one of them and you will like those videos too.

HCA Healthcare FedSmoker May 14

140k TC 🤢

Attentive May 15
