48% Of Professionals Report Decreased Productivity During Work From Home

The many changes imposed by the pandemic are acting as another challenge to the 9-to-5 workday model, which was already under threat before the pandemic. Remote working, relatively uncommon before the pandemic, has gone mainstream. Before covid-19 roughly 5% of Americans working from home. By May the figure had risen to 62%. 

On Blind, the largest online professional network, an intel professional asked, “How did WFH affect your productivity at work?” 

Key Learnings from 12/22/2020-1/04/2021 (2,016 responses)

  • 48% of survey respondents report their productivity decreasing 
  • Square professionals report the highest level of decreased productivity, at 73%
    • Adobe is a close second, at 67%
  • In stark contrast, 67% of Bloomberg professionals say work from home increased their productivity
  • 70% of Twitter professionals also say work from home increased their productivity

You can see the raw data here. 

google professional responded, “I never really cared for team building and getting to know my colleagues. All through my life, I’ve had friends outside of tech and never really fully connected with the technical people I worked with for some reason. My personality and demeanor are probably better suited for non-tech, but I enjoy the work I do, so wfh has allowed me to mostly concentrate on the work and ignore the social aspect I never cared for.”

An Amazon professional shared, “It’s hard to say. My productivity went down but not only from WFH. The social aspect of work took a big nose dive which makes it less engaging and less energetic. But that doesn’t need work from the office, and regular in-person get-togethers would fix that. I can imagine one day every sprint where everyone gets together for some social events and workshop meetings while doing all actual work from home” 

VMware professional shared, “Lack of whiteboarding has been a big hindrance. Collaboration tools really suck.” 

Working from home during the Covid pandemic over the past year has presented a wide variety of challenges—from coping with childcare during school closures to managing work-life balance (because sometimes, doesn’t it feel like instead of working from home, we’re all just living at work?). As we embark on a new year, we expect employee sentiment regarding remote work to continue to evolve. 

How did WFH affect your productivity at work?