ex-Bank of America devintech Feb 24

lol another Trumper

sgdyeiurj OP Feb 24

Ok groomer Why do you support pedos?

Meta X2L2 Feb 24

@boa are you saying only trump supporters are against pedoes? This is a very weird perspective tbh

Two Sigma BJdY39 Feb 24

I think conservatives must secretly be pedos. That's the only explanation for their obsession

Walmart nTWw52 Feb 24

Automatic troll print

Microsoft qKKa31 Feb 24

You can get any LLM to say nearly anything with enough prompt engineering. Y'all are still raging over these click bait headlines a year later? Embarrassing for you if you're actually in tech and put tabloid partisanship above basic understanding of LLMs.

Meta X2L2 Feb 24

That's actually false. You can only interpolate with them. What you are suggesting is ability to extrapolate to anything, which is mathematically impossible for them Not sure who is missing the basic understanding here

Amazon dadissues Feb 24

New York Post is a right wing garbarge news source.

Google wondershow Feb 24

God you people are obsessed. This isn’t the slam dunk you think it is.

Walmart nTWw52 Feb 24

Another one, pretty easy to spot them. It’s quite fascinating how they come unison.

Google gvXC17 Feb 24

Looks like it is avoiding making judgement on a topic where human’s judgement changes over time and depends who they are. Older AIs tends to bias towards pleasing the majority(biased), and recent trends are geared towards being politically correct, which seems to match the behavior. AIs don’t judge, it rather finds local optimal answer and people don’t train them for individual topic per se. While people can use AIs for whatever they want, expecting it to say the ‘right’ thing for all the cases is probably not going to work. But then some people may actually want ‘minority report’.

Walmart nTWw52 Feb 24

The proof is in the pudding. Come at me trolls on why pudding is racism, or fascism, or whatever is next in your script