CarsMay 16

Car accident at my fault, how to avoid paying the damages?

The victim claimed 35k for his damage. He must over charge me, I think at most 20k. The shop owner is a joke, because he claimed my accident cause less customers and less revenues for a week. It sounds like a scam. The insurance company refused to represent me because I don’t have the license. Will they sue me if I refuse to pay or pay less ? Some one says it’s unlikely because the legal cost of suing me is more than 30k. Tc 105k NW 🥜

Snap Coffeind May 16

People sue for less, and driving without a license is definitely not gonna help your cause…

Microsoft ddnc OP May 16

Never drive again

Google loplar May 19

That’s stupid

Google ZomedtP2 May 16

so let me get this straight u dont have a license or an insurance but decided to drive and get into an accident anyway and now ur asking us how to avoid the responsibilities?

Microsoft ddnc OP May 16

Everyone has their reasons to get away from troubles. You are a wink if you are always so obedient

Clari babish719 May 16

geez when you put it that way, it sounds really bad 😂

Google troubled12 May 16

I think the other party can claim uninsured driver and take money from their own insirance

Amazon jmhff May 16

Their insurance then would sue our guy. This guy is probably fucked.

Microsoft ddnc OP May 16

Sue someone for only 30k?

Clari babish719 May 16

explain to them that you are broke surely they'll understand

Microsoft ddnc OP May 16

Yeah, it makes me on the verge of bankruptcy

Qualcomm P4Panda May 16

“On the Verge” is different from being in bankruptcy..

HCL oUFk01 May 16

What do you mean by only 30k ? My first car was totaled by someone who rear ended me. They didn't have insurance. It was worth 5k. I sued them , won my case but still didn't get paid . They will definitely sue you.

Microsoft ddnc OP May 16

How much did you pay for the legal costs ?

HCL oUFk01 May 16

Nothing, 5k is small claims court. I hired an attorney for collection but he couldn't do anything since we didn't have copy of his driver license or date of birth

HCL oUFk01 May 16

The way to avoid this is to immediately change your address. Avoid summons and if they still sue you, never respond to anything, never show up in the court. This is a civil matter and not criminal matter. Hope you haven't given them date of birth and work address. If they have your date of birth, then a warrant can be issued for your arrest if you skip court.

Credit Karma ird61064 May 16

That is a great way to get a default judgement against you.

HCL oUFk01 May 16

They are going to get it anyways , what's your defense

Intel fatheroall May 16

They will sue. If they bonkers then they’ll represent themselves. Did you have a learner license ?

DocuSign prodLaunch May 16

How are you driving without license? Isn’t that a crime ?

Microsoft ddnc OP May 16

I would rather stay in jail for 2,weeks than paying 35k

Roku kGoa35 May 16

it's not "eighter - or". DMV would deal with you for driving without license. Completely separate you owe for the damages you caused - to the person you caused damages to - or to the insurance company that pays to make them whole. Most likely the latter, insurance will fix their car and then sue you if you don't pay up - and at the end you will pay for the lawsuit too, since will be found at fault for not paying

Johnson & Johnson WPBR81 May 16

I hope they take you to the cleaners. No license means don't drive, period. I was T-boned by someone driving on a suspended license and it seriously messed up my life for months, if not years.

Infosys uagilebro? May 17

OP really does need to be taken to the cleaners.

Salesforce QGje37 May 17

OP thinks that means he's getting a bath.

Credit Karma ird61064 May 16

When the insurance company finds out that you work for Microsoft, they will sue you to get at your future wages. When you get served with the lawsuit, hire an attorney. Until then, shut up and don’t answer any questions. There is nothing you can say that will make this better for you.

Google ottf May 17

This would be so good to watch as a Netflix series! Imagine: Dumb Microsoft employee driving without license, causes accident and tries not to pay for it! Imagine what else this Moron has in the closet...

Google strgazer May 17

Person Is mostly a contract worker given the TC.