Claude says Microsoft is better than Netflix in terms of talents

Here is what Anthropic claude says OpenAI > Google > Microsoft > Amazon > Meta > Netflix

42 Participants
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Amazon j58xjd May 16

Amazon should be first

Amazon ribM38 May 16

Depends on specific teams .

Indeed pixelmastr May 16

Need to know your input and the reasoning behind its answers, else this is even more useless than I originally thought.

Uber geubr May 16

Ranked by market cap. The talents here do not mean engineering only, but also leadership.

Salesforce breeza May 16

A glorified text summarizer said something and you believe it actually analyzed data and gave something concrete. I can only conclude that you are dumb to believe it

Starbucks starbuxxed May 16

Can’t believe Starbucks isn’t in the convo

Meta richаrdhea May 16


lc_orion May 16

lolok Microsoft isn’t even top 5

Google ahshdhdjd May 17

Should be google > Netflix > meta > Amazon > Microsoft Fuck open ai

Google El Dorado May 17

Netflix should be before Google. They steal our top performers.

Netflix XBUW33 May 18

It's the same everywhere. There are some teams with stellar performers and some that suck. Poles like this are silly.